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Car Hire Excess Insurance Quotes

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Do Worldwide Excess Insurance Policies cover you everywhere in the world?

Understand anomalies when looking at worldwide car hire excess insurance policies

What countries are covered when you buy a worldwide car hire excess insurance policy?

The answer is the vast majority of countries. Almost all worldwide car hire excess insurance policies cover all countries except:

  • War Zones
  • Countries subject to UN Sanctions
  • Countries subject to an FCDO notice warning UK residents not to travel

Even then some companies will provide cover to countries which would fall into one of the above categories. When you run a quote via MoneyMaxim and obtain your results you can click on the 'Details' button for each policy. Near the bottom of the list you will find information about excluded countries for that particular policy. If you do have a query, please contact us here at MoneyMaxim.

One company; Worldwide Insure has also restricted cover to exclude four countries where they have had a poor claim history - so they do not cover trips to Armenia, Iceland, Jamaica and the Dominican Republic.

Finally the companies Reduce my Excess and Eversure do not cover rentals from the hire firm Green Motion, who have offices in many countries around the world.

There is however plenty of opportunity to shop around and find a policy that will cover - so do run a quotation at car hire excess insurance prices with MoneyMaxim.

This content was last reviewed on 11/10/2023

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