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Sally Wilson

Sally is a key member of the MoneyMaxim editorial team. She is a frequent hire-car user and often goes on holiday with her family. With an interest in getting great value for money, Sally shares her hints and tips for travelling and insurance.

Sally Wilson is one of our Team of Experts

The Road to University - Our Student Guide

Follow the steps to get ahead when it comes to student insurance

student behind a desk throwing papers in the air

With so much riding on these exams it is easy to skip an important date so, if you are looking at universities for the autumn, here's what you don't want to miss.

16th May - Start of A level exams

Good Luck everyone!

If you have been lucky enough to have an unconditional place, you may already have been offered accommodation too. If you have accepted the university place, check whether you need to also accept the housing offer.

25th June - End of A level exams

Time to celebrate or simply catch up on some well-earned rest

If you have accepted an unconditional place and the accommodation - it's time to think about what you might want to take with you. Do you plan to take a laptop? Your bike? Is there somewhere to store it safely? You may need to top up your student insurance to cover additional items.

Do keep an eye on your emails over the summer. Some universities may contact you regarding your place or about offers of accommodation and failing to spot them could mean losing out.

5th July - Clearing opens

If you didn't apply for uni before the deadline of 30th June - maybe because you weren't sure if university was for you - then you can still opt to apply through clearing. This is also a good time to check out what courses are available through clearing if you felt that you didn't fare well in the exams.

Before you can apply for a clearing place, you need to speak to the university to check they would consider you. While you are talking to them, it's a good idea to ask whether there is likely to be accommodation available.

15th August - A level results day

The Big Day. Congratulations if you got the grades you need to accept one of your university places!

If you accept a place, you may also need to confirm your accommodation place too. Where will you be staying? Will it be a shared accommodation? Halls? Or are you in a single person flat? Does the accommodation come with any insurance? What extra student contents insurance will you need?

If you were disappointed with your results, there is still plenty of time to check what is available on clearing. If you have had a change of heart, you can also turn down a firm offer and opt for a completely different course through clearing.

If you have opted for studying at a university abroad, it is important to sort out any insurance for your belongings in good time. The chance to experience life in another country is something very special so make sure you have the protection you need . Many universities also offer the chance to study for a year overseas as part of your course.

21st October - Clearing closes

By now you will know which university you are going to and whether or not you have been offered any student housing through the uni.

If you have to find private accommodation you will almost certainly need insurance to cover all the items you are taking to university with you. We can also help with student insurance in shared houses.

Sort out your internet connection in advance so that it is all set up for your arrival. If you are in halls this is likely to be provided by the university but in a private shared accommodation you will need to sort this yourself. There are often great broadband deals for students.

We can offer several different student insurance options depending on the level of cover you need. Make sure your contents insurance is in place before you move.

Moving in Day!

When you get to your accommodation check the locks are as you expect. Contents insurance usually requires a certain standard of locks on the doors and windows. If they are not fitted properly you may need to contact your landlord or university housing officer to get them fixed.